List of active policies

Name Type User consent
SIGHTSoHO Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy Privacy policy All users


The following policy applies to the platform:

This website may collect some personal data of their users. By choosing to continue to use this platform, you agree to the collection and use of personal information and non-personal information as described in this Online Privacy Statement.

Full policy

Privacy agreement and purposes

For the purposes related to the provision of the Service, Zadig ltd Benefit Company with registered office in Milan, Via Ampère 59, processes the data you provide, or in any case acquired during the execution of the Service.
Non-acceptance of the Privacy policy does not allow you to proceed with registration, as the data requested is essential for the provision of the Service itself.


The Data Controller is Pietro Dri (, the Data Processor is Christian Deligant (

Methods of data processing

The personal data stored are used for the sole purpose of guaranteeing access to the Service.

The processing of data is carried out on electronic media, with procedures suitable for protecting the confidentiality of the User and consists of the collection, recording, organisation, storage, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, cancellation, destruction of the same including the combination of two or more of the above activities.

Period of data retention

The data is kept on file until the User requests its deletion (see paragraph “User rights”), unless there are legal regulations that do not allow this procedure. Alternatively, data is retained until the end of the Service and for any additional period required by law.

Other purposes of collected data

If Zadig intends to use the collected data for other purposes than those indicated in the paragraph “Privacy agreement and purposes”, individual users will be asked whether or not they agree to such uses. Without this direct manifestation of the User, the data will not be used for any other purpose.

User rights

The User has the following rights:

  • to request from the Data Controller access to and rectification or deletion of personal data (insofar as this is not contrary to the legislation in force with respect to the Service provided) or a restriction of the processing of such data,
  • to obtain information on the logic and purpose of the processing,
  • to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority,
  • to request data portability.

Extended Cookie Policy

This cookie policy is specifically intended to explain the types and methods of use of cookies.
When you access and navigate the Site, certain non-personal information about your computer may be collected. This type of information includes, but is not limited to:

  • the type of browser used (e.g. Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Dolphin, Konqueror);
  • the domain name from which the User accesses the internet;
  • the website from which the User reached the Site;
  • the date and time of access;
  • the pages that were visited.

This information is collected through the browser of the User’s computer also through so-called cookies. Cookies are small data files, often containing an anonymous identification code, which are sent by a web server to the User’s browser and can then be stored on the hard disk of the User’s computer.

The cookie recorded by the User’s browser is then sent back to the site that sent it each time a subsequent connection is made. Cookies contain information that allows the User’s browsing preferences to be memorised and therefore personalise a site according to the User’s needs.

The cookies collected by the Owner through navigation on the Site are of a temporary nature (they do not remain on the User’s hard disk once the session has ended) and consist exclusively of so-called session cookies, necessary to allow safe and efficient navigation of the Site.

The Data Controller may use cookies for statistical purposes regarding the use of the services available through the Site and in order to improve their use by users. In this case, the cookies will be used in an exclusively anonymous form.

Most browsers are set to accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse cookies or to notify you when you are receiving a cookie.

You may decide to refuse/disable cookies from the Site if your browser provides such an option, but in this case, some pages of the Site may not be reachable and/or may not function properly.

In order to modify your browser settings in such a way as to disable cookies, you are informed that it is usually possible to follow the following procedure:

  • select “Internet Options” or “Preferences” from the “Tools” or “View” or “Edit” menu;
  • select “Privacy” or “Protection” or “Download Files” and choose your preferred settings.

In any case, we recommend that you check the instructions and indications of your browser.

Finally, the User is informed that access to the Site, consultation of its contents and use of the services offered therein allows the web server to automatically record so-called “system logs”, i.e. information that the User”s browser sends while browsing the Site. This information consists of the web pages requested by the User, the documents consulted, modified or created, the internet protocol address, the type of browser, the browser language, the date and time of the request.

Such information and navigation data, such as cookies, are used solely to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning.

Websites use or may use, even in combination with each other, the following categories of cookies, divided according to the classification proposed in the Opinion 04/2012 on the exemption from consent for the use of cookies issued by the Working Group ex art. 29 in the EU:

  • “session” cookies that are stored on the User’s computer for purely technical-functional needs, for the transmission of session identification data necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the site; they are deleted at the end of the User’s browsing “session” (hence the name) when the browser is closed. This type of cookie does not constitute a tool technically capable of affecting the confidentiality of the User”s navigation;
  • “persistent” that remain stored on the hard drive of the computer until they expire or are deleted by the users/visitors. Thanks to persistent cookies, all visitors who access the site through the same computer are automatically “recognized” at each visit, since the computer itself is identified. Persistent cookies are technical tools that enable many features in order to facilitate the browsing experience of users (such as the registration of the shopping cart in online purchases). The User is entitled, however, to change the default configuration of his browser and disable all cookies (i.e. block them permanently), setting the highest level of protection.

These two types of cookies (session and persistent) can in turn be:

  • “first-party” when they are managed directly by the owner and/or manager/operator of the website;
  • “third party” when the cookies are set and managed by third parties who are not the owner and/or manager of the website visited by the User.

This happens because the site may contain elements such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the requested page is located. These cookies are set directly by operators of websites or servers other than Zadig sites, for these the User must therefore refer to the links to the privacy policies of these third parties or, alternatively, refer to the following sites that allow the disabling of most third party cookies: Your Online Choices and AllAboutCookies.