Roma 1 The eLearning modules will be followed by face-to-face training. The latter will consist of three workshops on inspection, preparation process and vigilance of three days each according to the areas of competence. The events will be hosted in Rome.

As for the eLearning training, the participation in the face-to-face workshops does not foresee a registration fee. Moreover, travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed by the ISS/CNS-CNT.
Each workshop will welcome maximum 50 participants and they will be held in May, June and July 2025, respectively.

The training initiatives will be a mix of plenary sessions and break-out groups to ensure balanced theoretical and practical sessions with emphasis on the practical sessions, including simulations, case studies, role playing and group exercise to gather practical experience on oversight activities.

According to areas of competence (inspection, preparation process and vigilance), the face-to-face workshops will contribute to further enable participants:

  • to perform official controls and other official activities in a consistent manner;

  • to enhance their technical and organisational skills by familiarising with the best practices in the field and to provide harmonised approach in the accreditation/designation/authorisation/licensing processes;

  • to become proficient in surveillance and reporting procedures relating to serious adverse occurrences;

  • to keep up-to-date and/or receive regular additional training as necessary and to undertake their duties competently;

  • to be part of a network of trained Competent Authorities staff.

Face-to-face workshops schedule

  • Inspection practice – 7,8,9 May 2025

  • Biovigilance and Hemovigilance – 11,12,13 June 2025

  • Preparation Process Authorisation – 2,3,4 July 2025